PS4, PS5
  • MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - The Dragon's Gambit
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - The Dragon's Gambit
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MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - The Dragon's Gambit

Производитель: Fireshine Games



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After dealing a devastating blow to the Capellan Confederation, Hanse Davion is eager to replicate this success against the Draconis Combine. Theodore Kurita, fully aware of the encroaching menace posed by the FedCom Alliance, has taken decisive action to fortify the Combine's defenses against an inevitable war. A unique opportunity presents itself – to unite with the Draconis Combine and rally behind Kurita's unexpected plan.
- Embark on an epic 15 mission quest line to safeguard the future of the Draconis Combine
- The Dragon's Gambit adds the iconic Longbow BattleMech chassis with 5 variants, including the devastating Hero LGB-HS 'Hailstorm'
- Unlock the exclusive "Otomo" elite military force Special Variant 'Mech rewards
- New Instant Action Combat Modes - Garrisoned and Free For All

Platform:PS4, PS5
Publisher:Fireshine Games