  • Alien Butt Form
Alien Butt Form
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Alien Butt Form

Производитель: tinyBuild LLC



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Something has been very wrong with parties in the city of Aho Bay recently. Who really controlled Party Hard Killer? Why it took so long for the police to catch him? Where are those tentacles grow from, for Christ’s sake? Find out in this brand new DLC, fueled by booze and hilarity.
3 new playable characters (available for the main campaign!):
- Marena: Party Hard Killer’s girlfriend, a hard-drinking dancer who can knock folks out cold with her bare hands
- Mango: crazy Jack Russell Terrier who runs away from his annoyed owner, electrocuting folks along the way
- Froger Delirium: giant frog guy who sees the world through the haze of rapture and sends folks flying on balloons

5 new maps - a local eatery turned into a crime scene, a partygoer-infested parking lot, and a giant flying saucer among them
New items & weapons: baseball bat, love potion, and… um... slippers?
New abilities: devour items to replenish your skill and get likes for kills.

Publisher:tinyBuild LLC